About Us
Your wholesale energy marketer,
providing excellent service at its best!
Allied Support Services Group Inc. (ASSG) supports end-users of wholesale natural gas and petroleum products through the creation of alliances and partnerships. These alliances and partnerships enable streamlined access to third-party assets for ASSG to effectively compete in the petroleum products market. It is through these partnership agreements that ASSG is able to deliver its clients high quality petroleum and natural gas products.
ASSG is committed to delivering the highest level of customer service and cost-effective solutions. ASSG has tailored its core competencies around safety and trust with an emphasis on operational responsiveness. Our client’s needs are central to our mission.
Federal and State certified
Serving Our Natural Gas, Fuel, and Oil Industries
Streamline Process
Maximize the use of a single vendor to minimize the costs and maintain a reliable fuel source chain for you.
ASSG partners with a large number of suppliers and is in the market everyday. As such, ASSG can provide the optimum price to maximize our clients return on investment for bulk fuel and natural gas needs.
ASSG is committed to supporting its clients with the most cost effective supply and transportation opportunities available for operation.